Preston-Lee Management Company Tenant Spotlight Introducing…Snatch Me Up California - Article Banner

At Preston-Lee Management Company, we have been providing property management services in the High Desert for more than 20 years. We love what we do, and we couldn’t be the successful property managers that we are without our outstanding tenants. 

So, we’re starting a new series where we’ll highlight some of our best commercial tenants. Today, we’re turning the spotlight onto Snatch Me Up California. Here’s what you need to know about this growing company.

Body Sculpting with Snatch Me Up California

Snatch Me Up California is a local business in Victorville that specializes in body sculpting. Their goal is to help their clients feel great about themselves and reach their body goals. 

What Do They Do?

Body sculpting describes different types of treatments that destroy fat cells without surgery. 

The team at Snatch Me Up California uses penetrated heat through radio-frequency or ultrasound therapy. This helps their clients reshape their abdomen, thighs, bottom, and upper arms among a number of other areas over the course of a number of sessions.

How Do They Do It?

A large menu of customized services are available to customers who arrive at Snatch Me Up California for all-over bodily improvement. They offer:

  • EMSlim, a non-invasive procedure that shapes bodies and eliminates fat while promoting muscle growth.
  • Cryotherapy, which freezes fat cells off the body, leaving the liver to flush them out of the system.
  • Contour Light, a dermatological treatment that not only diminishes inches from your body, but also eases muscle and joint pain.
  • Laser Lipo, a noninvasive procedure that melts fat from beneath the skin and firms the body.
  • Non-surgical Butt Lifts, a vacuum therapy that reduces lift and youth to the buttocks, making that area of the body toned and round. 
  • Ultrasound Cavitation, a technology that uses high frequency and sound waves to minimize the presence of body fat and liquefy fat cells.
  • Radio Frequency, which tightens skin cells and increases the production of collagen. 
  • Teeth Whitening, with a peroxide-based gel that improves the look of your smile.
  • Facial Radio Frequency, tightening skin that may have sagged by stimulating collagen.

Meet Ruthie Vartanian

Ruthie VartanianRuthie Vartanian is the owner of Snatch Me Up California. She is also a wife, mother, grandmother, and two-time breast cancer survivor. 

Ruthie’s passion has always been in the beauty industry. Even while she was battling cancer, she refused to give up her beauty and the pride she had in her body. She looked her best all the time – no matter how bad she felt. This inspired her fellow cancer patients and her oncologist, reinforcing the idea that if we look good, we feel good. 

Give Ruthie and her team some business over at Snatch Me Up California. Why not look and feel your best? 

You can find them at 17260 Bear Valley Rd Suite #102, Victorville, California. Check out more information about their services and their story at

At Preston-Lee Management, we’re proud of our commercial property tenants, and we love working with business owners like Ruthie. If you’d like to learn more about what we do and how we can find you the perfect property for your own company, contact us.